On my film reviews…

Dashell Hauenstein
2 min readJul 16, 2021


I’ve always been keen on avoiding knowing much about a film before seeing it to avoid any potential bias I may have to the story being presented. Having seen a trailer or read a synopsis of a film prior, I usually would have some expectations, and whether they’re met or not, it still affects my viewing experience negatively. This may not be the case for you, but nevertheless, I will try to avoid revealing any significant plot details while still offering an unbiased opinion of the film in question. If you feel the same way I do, stop reading at the “spoiler” banner at the end of the article. There, I will offer any thoughts revealing important plot elements or other aspects I consider spoilers. This section would most likely be more enjoyed after viewing the film.

I’ve decided to begin writing these new reviews in this format with this disclaimer posted above each article:

This article is split into two sections: the Review and the Spoilers. The Review can be read prior to seeing the film without revealing any specifics of it while the Spoilers section consists of further review about revealing aspects of the film. I suggest reading only the Review if you have not seen the film prior.

For further articles, the appearance will be as such:

The Review

The review section of the article will be written here, consisting of a spoiler-free, complete review of the film in question. This may be read either before or after seeing the film for yourself.


The spoilers section of the article will be written here, consisting of continuing thoughts I had during writing the original review that give away key aspects of the film. This should be read after seeing the film for yourself as I may give away important moments here.

I hope this article clears up any questions that may come up about my reviews.

